Fett'e Brown | Spirit Banks | Turja Banks | Estraia Banks | Honors | Relatives | Ancestors
Spirit was born on January 20, 1972 in Denver, Colorado. I lived in Globeville, Colorado which is a suburb of Denver, Colorado. She was a bouncy little baby girl, but always wanting to me to stay by her side. When she was just a few weeks old and before we had a crib for her, we slept on the floor on a blanket. When I would go to the bathroom she would always cry for me. I was not aware I was just supposed to let her cry. I took her to the bathroom with me many times before a neighbor told me to let her cry so she could understand that she would be growing up alone sometimes. (laugh)
During the month of March 1988, I thought that Darrell would be born on my birthday, not to be... He was born, March 9, 1988 and I found some pictures of her pregnancy and the birth of Darrell James Breaux.