Fett'e Brown Spirit Banks  |  Turja Banks  |  Estraia Banks  |  Honors Relatives  |  Ancestors

face3  Estraia Dee Banks

baby estraiaEstraia was born on 09/13/76.  I carried her during my pregnancy to University of Colorado at Denver, which was very trying.  Then she was born at 4:00 a.m. in the morning.  It took me 9 hours of labor to bring her into the world.  I am so glad that she was the last one.  After she was born, me, Spirit and Turja loved her so much. She has taken advantage of our love too (smile), since she is the baby of the family.  She criticizes us and keep us in line with our finances.  She looks out for us. (more to come)

baby pic from ynp         estraia in Jamaica    estraia in sf    estraia high school      estraia #4      estraia edited 16 

Estraia as she grows up.

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